Wow! I am still speechless…

Every year my fabulous team leads various breakout sessions at conferences across the state and nation. The largest event that we all participate in is the annual TCEA conference each February. This year I was honored to be presenting with two of my teammates, Cara and Ashley, at the leadership strand which included district administrators from across the state. Having never presented at the leadership strand, I had no idea what to expect and with the early start time that expectation wasn’t terribly large to begin with. This was my first mistake!

Upon getting setup for the presentation with 10 minutes to spare, which was beautifully put together by my co-presenters, I was staring at a 80-capacity room with a total of 4 seats occupied. After a quick trip to the restroom, I returned to a room that was completely full, people sitting across the front on the ground, the back on the ground and still trying to push into the room from both sets of doors.

The presentation went off without a hitch. The capacity crowd not only hung on every word that I said, they inquired about a repeat or follow up session on the topic and even asked if we could just keep the room for another session right then. Though this probably didn’t sit real well with the next presenter that was ready to get us out of the way, it was a great day to know that what we were doing and how we were doing it were truly revolutionizing education. I wish we had more time and could continue leading and learning with all of those educators. There is still so much to talk about.

Reunion Time!

Well I am happy to be once again reunited with a former boss and even more important a great friend. With the growth in the district, we have welcomed a new CTO to our department, Mr. Adam Feind. Adam and I worked together back a handful of years ago when I was on the “other side” of technology writing scripts, managing email servers and keeping our communications top notch at Midway ISD. It is going to be a very positive move for the district bringing his knowledge and expertise to the table. 

With this addition also came departure. Our director for the past few years has accepted a new role near San Antonio which has opened a new opportunity for me to step into the vacancy. I wish her nothing but the best and accept the responsibility within the district with open arms. My hope is to continue to build speed off the momentum that we have coming off the previous year. I hope to lead the team, teachers and district to new heights in 2014-15.

Technopalooza – Open for Business

This year we took a new path on TechnoPalooza and decided to share the great things happening at NISD with the world…literally! The conference was opened to outside participants and presenters for the first time. The alternate definition of the word Education is “an enlightening experience.” I would say that those who came received just that.

New things for this years conference included food trucks parked in the lot for lunch, vendor booths for our guests, a staggered schedule to accommodate the larger crowd and lots of learning in every room. I am proud to say that I was even able to send a Tweet during our very last session on the final day with a completely full room (extra chairs included). Though we may not put on the biggest “show” in education, I will put our content and session offerings up against anyone. When a district near Houston stays until the very end and asks when they can register for next, I would say that we did something right. So proud of our team!