Work Projects

Button Wall Complete

Button Wall

So with two years of the STEAM Carnival in the books, a co-worker and I decided to go out on a limb and try to build one of the local favorite games for the students. We put out a GoFundMe project to help with the costs and raised $1,000 to begin our wicked cool “Button Wall” competition game.

The shopping list included buttons, wires, speakers, and lots of wood and screws (plus a few more things that are irrelevant). The effort included several evenings and weekend hours to design, cut, paint, and wire up all the pieces to make it just right.

In the end, we have a working button wall that we hope will get a solid test when nearly 5,000 students come experience the 3rd Annual STEAM Carnival next week!

Found My New Chair

Found My Chair

On a leadership trip to South Carolina, we had the opportunity to visit a couple of school districts that were doing some really amazing things. One of the most amazing things to me was the chair that I stumbled upon in the band hall.

Long story short, I wasn’t able to find a way to fit this in my carry-on or checked baggage to get it back to my office. I think it would have been a perfect office chair for me!

War Wall Surprise

War Wall

Sometimes it’s nice to get a small surprise when you come back in the office following a long, hard day. Sometimes it’s nice to get a BIG surprise when you come back in the office following a long, hard day!

My leadership team and I decided to do a solid for the team as we don’t really have a lot of space to white board projects and brainstorm ideas without having to work digitally or take pictures, erase, and start again.

A few pieces of bath board from Home Depot (~$13 each), a LOT of liquid nail, several 1″x2″ boards, some sweat and even a little blood later, let the FUN BEGIN!