About Me

My professional story began in the small town of Woodson, Texas in 1997. A very trusting business owner asked me to make some modifications on his company website. His exact phrase was, “I know you have never done this before, but I’ll pay you to try.” I am proud to say that I took care of that small business website for over 22 years when his needs outgrew my skillset. Since that first day, I have had so many unique experiences which have helped shape me into the person that I am today.

Work has taken me from the Abilene area out to Crane, Texas (real West Texas), down to Waco in Central Texas and up to the DFW Metroplex. I have seen my travels take me from a high school graduating class of 8 people to a district with over 20,000 students to currently leading a team of professionals to support an entire region of 77 school districts, 80,000 staff members and nearly 600,000 students. I have been blessed to keynote graduations, convocations and conferences, work with 4-5 year olds learning to catch a baseball, present to the FCC in Washington DC, and spend a day at the home of one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time, Nolan Bushnell. All of these different situations have required me to develop a vocabulary and delivery method to capture the moment and engage my audience regardless of where they are coming from.

I have been honored to be a part of teams in both sports and in business. I have led professional teams on the football field, in the classrooms and into business situations requiring precision and attention to detail. It has come naturally to work with others and collaborate to reach a common goal (and blow it out of the water!). Everyday I look forward to learning something new and teaching others something that I know. I love life and sharing it with all the interesting people that I encounter on a daily basis.